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How to Wake a Girl Up Without Getting Her Mad. Play Her Favorite Song. The girl you're waking will be grateful that, instead of hearing a conventional alarm clock, she gets to hear her favorite song as she comes out of her slumber. Make a Hearty Breakfast. Bring Her a Treat. Give Her Something to Look Forward To.

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When your girlfriend is still lost in dreamland, there are many ways to awaken her in a romantic and loving way. These ideas will inspire her to feel not only

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Instead of waking her up with your body, wake her up with your words. 16 Things You Should Still Do For Your Girlfriend Even After You've

My girlfriend has been extremely tired for as long as I've known her (7 years). Waking up is almost painful for her, she's very delirious whenever. I like morning pleasure so the best way to wake me up is with a horizontal mambo, but other women would hate that and some would press

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